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It’s coming! I feel the slightly cooler and sweet fragrant air of Holidays already, you? This time of the year, after the serious of Holidays have gone, before the nicely chilly and active fall is upon us, I try to catch up with some knitting and crocheting hoping to cast off one or two sweaters for the coming winter. As reconnecting with knitting I always finish up some unfinished shopping that makes my beginning days of knitting more enjoyable and exciting! It is about Holidays so I can justify the shopping, right?

Here are just some of what I really hope to get. The list went pretty long so I separate them as two. Well, frankly I could make ten easily if you allow me. :)

knitting needles for knit beginners

First, those cool knitting needles. I’d love to have a few sets of needles with some witty and inspiring quotes. Wouldn’t it be so fun if you could recognize the needle sizes with different quotes? I wanna engrave this fun quote on my sock needles (size #1 US). “Life is too short to worry about matching socks.” You know what? I often knit funky-colored pairs of socks and they barely match and I don't care. :)

perfect gift for your knitter lovers

Second, extra sassy mugs. We all have so many mugs but do we have a perfectly right one? I saw many all over the places but so far this one is the winner. It just has the right level of the kick I want.

gift for knitters on Valentine's Day

Third, a sweet box filled with yarns that I wanna taste one by one every night. Actually I might steal this idea and send to a knitter friend. This would be such a treat. Sock yarn leftovers would work perfectly.

Forth, knitting needle cases by Atelier de Soyun. Yes, I cannot deny I got to love what I make. Actually I’m planning to make a bigger all-in-one case for myself sometime soon. It would house lots of various kinds of needles altogether. After testing I am gonna launch them right away for you guys. Anyway, so far I adore my cases so much. As you guess I have at least 5 for myself and crave more as more needle sets are coming!

thoughtful gift for knitters and crocheters on Valentine's day

Fifth, funky pendants that show off what I am. Fun, unique and most of all it totally tells people what I am up to. I love those knit and crochet stitches printed on the pendants. They look pretty romantic in this adorable frame.

So those five would make my first batch. I know you need more. The list will be continued. Stay tuned~

If you want some more...
Don't be shy to check out one-of-a-kind goodness!
free easy simple knitting pattern gift for kntters   free easy simple knitting pattern gift for kntters   
free easy simple knitting pattern gift for kntters  

1 Response


January 27, 2019

These are such great ideas!!! :)

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